
Anomaly Racing Resurrection [ Box Boy Build!!!]

Haven’t update for quite a while, been busy re-organizing the website, working on “Anomaly Racing Resurrection”, and of course, working on “Lone Wolf”.

Showing “Anomaly Racing Resurrection” at its current state. Still very early and basic. kjAPI has got some pretty exciting updates on the scripting capabilities, and that kind of gave me a push to focus back on “Anomaly Racing Resurrection” Project again.

I will be trying to post more videos as often as I can, using this site as a diary for the development of “Anomaly Racing Resurrection”.

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Macro Photography | A Lizard Visits

A young lizard visited me on Sunday. Found the markings on the back quite nice, so decided to take out the old and extremely underused T50 out for some tests of its macro mode. (in fact, it is the magnifying mode, which allows me to take photos even closer than macro.) Sadly, the lizard died later in the night. Not sure why though 🙁

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Colors and the Visual Identity of Levels in Anomaly Racing

Visual Identity of a Level is very important, especially so in a Racing Game, because the Players constantly revisit tracks. Players should be able to distinguish each of the Tracks easily and immediately from one another. Good naming is a good way to keep track of the track names, but colors will help to reinforce the connection, either consciously or sub-consciously.

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GCA 2008 | The First Day

Not sure how it went for GCA 2008 today, was working on the demo in the office with the rest of the Ksatria team. Even though we managed to get quite a bit done today, we still have lots of things to fix and issues to resolve. Anyway doesn’t help to think too much, just dive in and work, we still have tomorrow morning for our last burst of fire!