Video Games Design

Lone Wolf XBox360 Conversion for GCA2008

We are using the Xbox360 controller this year to demo Lone Wolf, and I’ve been working on converting Lone Wolf from the PC version to the XBOX360 version… tweaking game play, levels and control wise. I’ve never played any games on the XBOX360 (Surprise!). So, this is my first experience with it.
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Game Designers

Thats just what is in the minds of many people, game design or development is putting in as many ‘cool’ game play features as possible, all the fun and playing games throughout the day! Suggest this, get people to do the stuffs, and you have a new feature! Then you just need to test it, play it, and of course, get many others to play it in the famous play testing process, where you get anyone from the street, toss him an endless supply of tidbits and drinks and ask that someone to play the game until he finish up the questionaire… basically get everyone excited, and the game would, and must be fun. Talk and Play, the 2 great character qualities required to make a game designer! Continue reading…

Inspirations from “Gran Turismo 5 Prologue”

They are from PART 3 of Gran Turismo TV Special “The GT-R Legend – Inside Story”. Some information and lines that I found pretty interesting and inspiring. Posting them here for easy reference later. Basically its almost all the conversation, but then, I find them all pretty interesting. I like how they approach the design of the car from another perspective instead of just treating them as parts that come together.
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